Tag Archives: Blood oranges

Blood Orange- You win some, you lose some


So, there are times when I actually follow the recipe.   This was one of those times… well, almost.

I enjoy making jam in the summer months when ingredients are fresh, local and plentiful.  Blood oranges are neither local nor plentiful here in the northeast. But, when I found a nice looking bunch at the local grocery store, I thought it would be an opportunity to warm the cold winter house with a huge pot of boiling water and have some delicious marmalade to show for my efforts.

I found a recipe in the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving,  I usually follow jam recipes exactly, and for the most part I did.  An internet search turned up this recipe using some liquid pectin.  I had never used liquid pectin, but decided to try the Ball recipe… but with the addition of liquid pectin.  Makes sense to me. What could possibly go wrong?

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Filed under canning, cooking, food, vegetarian